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Does Azithromycin Tablet Work Well in Treating Chlamydia Trachomatis?

Ms. Wang is from Wuhan, China. One year ago, due to the lower abdominal pain and hypermenorrhea, Ms. Wang received a hospital checking, and was diagnosed with endometritis and chlamydia trachomatis infection. Her doctor asked her to take doxycycline. However, the symptoms decreased at first, but it failed to cure the disease. Then a friend told her azithromycin tablet is very helpful for the Chlamydia Treatment, Ms. Wang dared not arbitrarily take the medicine.

Actually, patients like Ms. Wang are very common in clinic. Chlamydia trachomatis infection, a kind of sexual contact transmission disease, is easy to induce diseases of the urogenital system. And almost half of the female patients are accompanied by endometritis.

For these diseases, western medicine mainly uses the antibiotic treatment, including josamycin, azithromycin, clarithromycin, doxycycline, and so on. As azithromycin is in this scope, azithromycin tablet works for chlamydia trachomatis infection. But even so, patients should not use it arbitrarily.

The antibiotics are generally chosen according to the patient's medicine sensitive experiment. Besides, the drug resistance of antibiotics is difficult to remove. According to the description of Ms. Wang, "although the symptoms are relieved, the disease has not been eradicated", this is usually considered that the antibiotics already produced drug resistance.

Ms. Wang finally chose traditional Chinese medicine to treat the disease, which is a very wise choice. Traditional Chinese medicine has a history of several thousand years. Through the constant clinical use and improvement, the current traditional Chinese medicine has been mature enough in treating many diseases. For the chlamydia transmission patients with endometritis, they are advised to directly take fuyan pill.

Fuyan pill is a full traditional Chinese medicine formula that has a higher success rate in treating female mycoplasma and chlamydia infection. On the basis of ancient prescription, Dr. Lee constantly improved it, and finally created the intact formula.

With the effects of clearing heat, eliminating toxic materials, dissolving blood stasis etc., fuyan pill can effectively kill a variety of bacteria, viruses, mycoplasma, chlamydia and some other pathogens. It works well in eliminating the abnormal leucorrhea, pain and some other symptoms of gynecological diseases. Meanwhile, it can adjust the overall function of patients, thus restoring normal physiology.


NHS Chlamydia Test - Had Unprotected Sex? Get the Test Done Immediately

Chlamydia Treatment is an infection that is caused from indulging in oral and anal sex without any protection, such as using a condom. During the sexual activity, a virus called Chlamydia trachomatis enters into the body cells and starts reproducing itself in the vagina, rectum and penis. The shocking part of this sexually transmitted infection is that mostly younger population in the age group from 21 to 25 is the carriers of this infection. Another worst thing about this infection is that are no early symptoms, which eventually delay the treatment. If you have had unnatural and unprotected sex, you must take the NHS chlamydia transmission test.

Symptoms of Chlamydia

The symptoms may appear after three weeks of intercourse. The signs of infection are different with men and women, excluding one, which is burning sensation when urinating.

Symptoms in women:

Pain in the lower abdomen (the pelvic and stomach areas)
Abnormal vaginal discharge and bleeding, especially after having an intercourse
Excess bleeding and extended menstrual period than normal
Pain during sexual intercourse
Bleeding after sexual intercourse

Symptoms in men:

Pain and swelling in testicles
Thick unusual discharge from the tip of the penis
Itching sensation and irritation around the genital area
Mild irritation at the head of the penis

It is important to know here that these symptoms may be absent in both men and women. This, however, does not reduce the possibility of carrying the disease. Therefore, visit your GP with your partner to get NHS Chlamydia Test done.

Chlamydia Test

Whether you are experiencing any of the above symptoms, or have had unprotected anal and oral sex, see your GP or visit any local Genito-Urinary Medicine Clinic. The test for detecting Chlamydia is easy and uncomplicated. When you meet the GP, he or she will ask you a few questions to see if you have any of the symptoms. You will also have to brief the GP about your medical history. After the briefing session, the GP will take a urine test and vaginal swab. When the result from the preliminary test is positive, the GP will further test the throat and rectal swab.

The NHS is also conducting this test free on several patients falling in the age group of 15 to 25. The testing in conducted at pharmacies, family planning centres, and colleges. In case you want to avoid in-person contact, there is Chlamydia testing kit available for you to use at home. However, the result of the testing kit may vary. You can also contact online pharmacies for appointments.

When to get the test done

It is better to get tested for infection sooner if you have unprotected oral and anal sex. Do not wait for the occurrence of any of the symptoms related to the infection since they are not usually seen until the infection reaches to the extreme stage. In case, you going for the test within two weeks after the intercourse, you might have to retake the NHS Chlamydia test after sometime since the infection might by at the early stage.

Chlamydia is usually spread through unprotected sex. The best way to stay away from acquiring the infection is to make use of contraception.
For Further Information on NHS Chlamydia Test Click on the link : NHS Chlamydia Test

Another Culture, Medicine from the East

Our clinic is a TCM clinic, from where plenty of expects are with over 30 years medical experiences. Since a year ago, we started to serve oversea patients, knowing nothing about their opinions on TCM and Chinese herbal medicine.

Till now, we’ve been offering medical consulting service for thousands of foreign patients and successfully cured hundreds of patients.

Everytime we read emails from our patients informing us their good news, we’re so happy that we even learn from them and say, “Thank God!”

Those are very wonderful cultural exchange when those patient visit us and we help and treat them. A TCM clinic with ancient oriental medicine from far eastern area and friends from overseas regions had a connection and the end of the story was so wonderful.

One of our patient who lives in the United States was diagnosed with Chlamydia Treatment. He said that the pain had been torturing him like devil and no antibiotic had ever helped to get rid of it. He had to live with the pain and sometimes took painkillers for some ease.
“Thank God! It’s over! Mystical Chinese herbs! Amazing Traditional Chinese Medicine!” He found our clinic online before three months and now he’s cured by Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill and sending me this inspiring email.

Actually Chinese herbs and TCM are not mystical at all, they’re special.

As all is known, antibiotics as a manmade medicine can kill bacteria but cannot be taken for long, otherwise people’d be resistant to them.

TCM is a unique and peculiar medicine system which originates from ancient oriental philosophy. It’s not only a medicine system that inherits ancient experiences, but also a medicine culture that’s collects lots of antiquated oriental philosophy. Chinese herbal formulas as one aspect of this system, are all made up from herbs or animals ingredients come from the nature, thus there has been and will be no patient resistant the herbal formulas.

Because of this character, traditional Chinese medicine Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill, as a patented herbal formula from our clinic, can cure many stubborn health conditions, including prostatitis, seminal vesiculitis, epididymitis, orchitis, several kinds of cystitis and other reproductive/urinary infectiosn and inflammations. Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill is not the only patented formula kept by our clinic, Fuyan Pill is another one. Fuyan Pill can cure multiple inflammations and their complications caused by inflammations, including cervicitis, BV, vaginal yeast infection, PID, pelvic adhesions, endometritis, endometriosis, adenomyosis, endometrial hyperplasia, salpingitis, tubal blockage, hydrosalpinx, tubal adhesions and so on.

Ancient Chinese people consider that the world is formed by two basic elements which are “Yin” and “Yang”, they affect each other and are also connected. Because of this philosophic conception, TCM formulas composed by herbalists don’t just treat the symptoms, they treat the disease its own, and its complications as well. So herb or herbal formulas are often capable of treating many conditions.

Even TCM is just a result of old rules, it really works. If more patients with stubborn health conditions can see and hear with their own eyes and ears, I bet they’ll be thrilled.

You Need To Pay Attention To The 5 STDs

It’s reported on Yahoo News that there are “5 STDs you could have without even knowing it”, including Chlamydia Treatment, gonorrhea, genital herpes, HPV and trichomoniasis. The symptoms of these STDs may not be visible at the early stages. You will notice the signs and symptoms after several days or weeks. The infection will affect the body gradually. Therefore, it’s important for sexually active people to get regular test for STDs.


The 5 STDs mentioned above can bring many unbearable symptoms to you, and even lead to infertility. The consequences will be severer than you can think of. Some STDs can also lead to other complications if left untreated or if the treatment is not so effective. For example, both Chlamydia Cure and gonorrhea can cause prostatitis to men. Once the prostate is infected, more annoying symptoms will appear. The life quality will be reduced greatly because of the symptoms.

However, you don’t need to worry too much about STDs even if you have got one, they are curable if you take a treatment timely and properly. There is a new treatment option called Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill can treat prostatitis caused by chlamydia and gonorrhea. It’s made from natural herbs without any side effect. It contains houttuynia cordata, scutellaria baicalensis, honeysuckle, which have powerful antibacterial effect so that the causative bacteria can be eradicated efficiently. Angelica sinensis, semen persicae, saffron, and radix paeoniae rubra in this pill can be helpful to improve the circulation of blood and Qi. Thus, the prostate pain can be alleviated. It also contains other herbs which have the functions of resolving urinary symptoms by inducing diuresis to relieve stranguria.

With the help of Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill, both the STD and prostatitis can be cured completely. You don’t need to take several different medications during the treatment since this complete formula can work well on the genital inflammations.

In addition to chlamydia and gonorrhea, you also need to pay attention to genital herpes, HPV and trichomoniasis. Practise safe sexual intercourse is the surest way to prevent from getting an STD. You need to avoid excessive sexual life and use condoms ever time you have sex. More importantly, you should get tested for STDs regularly.

The risks of chlamydia for pregnancy

People should pay more attention to Chlamydia Treatment, especially for pregnant women. With chlamydia infection before or during pregnancy, women are at increased risk for pregnancy complications.

If a pregnant woman has Chlamydia Cure, she may give the infection to her baby as it passes through the birth canal during delivery. This can cause blindness, joint infection, pneumonia, or a life-threatening blood infection in the baby. For example, the newborn's eyes must be treated with an antibiotic immediately after delivery that can prevent serious eye infections.

Analyzing data from more than 350,000 Australian women who had their first child between 1999 and 2008 , Researchers have found that 1 percent of those women had at least one chlamydia infection before they gave birth, and 81 percent of those women were diagnosed before they became pregnant. Among all the women in the study, 4 percent had an unplanned premature birth, 12 percent had babies who were small for their gestational age, and 0.6 percent had stillborn babies.

After taking into account factors known to increase the risk of birth complications -- including age, poverty, smoking and health conditions such as diabetes and high blood pressure -- the researchers found that a prior infection with chlamydia also increased the risk. And women who'd had chlamydia were 17 percent more likely to have an unplanned premature birth and 40 percent more likely to have a stillborn baby. There was no increased risk of having a baby that was small for its gestational age.

Health experts recommend that women who are expecting have at least one test for chlamydia during prenatal care because of the risks presented by chlamydia infection to both the mother and the baby.

Treatment of chlamydia as soon as it is found in pregnant women will reduce the risk of these health problems. However, in the western medicine, antibiotics are the main treatment for chlamydia which is more or less dangerous for both mothers and babies. Therefore, some women are recommended to use the traditional Chinese medicine which is famous for its no side effects. But when taking the traditional Chinese medicine, you also need to follow the right instruction.

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