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Leaving chlamydia untreated would bring bigger trouble

chlamydia and gonorrhea is a sexually transmitted disease caused by the bacteria Chlamydia trachomatis. When transmitted through sexual contact, the bacteria can infect the urinary and reproductive organs. If you leave your chlamydia untreated, it would lead to a lot of health problems. For female patients, they would acquire some diseases of reproductive organs and some other complications which would induce infertility or even death. But for men, they would not likely to suffer severe complication. They would develop inflammation in the reproductive organs and very a few of them would become infertile.

Chlamydia is a quite common disease which can transmitted by sex. It can be found in people in all ages. But young women are the most susceptible. At the early stage, persons with chlamydia would have the symptoms such as painful urination and sex, itching and abnormal discharge. For most of the time, the patients would have no symptoms at all. So that it is easy for us to ignore it and leave it untreated. But leaving chlamydia untreated would lead to further damage, such as PID(pelvic inflammatory disease). PID is a serious infection of uterus and oviduct. It can damage the reproductive organs of women and lead to infertility. Even though a woman with chlamydia have been pregnant, she would have a higher risk of having ectopic pregnancy, giving birth prematurely, or passing the diseases on to their babies. And the infected babies might suffer from pneumonia, blindness and some other health issues. For men, untreated chlamydia may induce infections of epididymis. Epididymis is the tissue located next to testis. The untreated chlamydia also can induce prostatitis. These inflammations are always painful and likely to induce infertility.

In addition, untreated chlamydia would also affect some other parts except for the genital organs. It can induce arthritis, skin lesions and some other diseases of eyes and urethra. Urethra is a tube through which urine and semen flow out of our body.

Since untreated chlamydia can cause so many diseases, we should diagnose it and treat it as soon as possible. Diagnosing chlamydia is not easy because the symptoms may not that evident. If you are sexually active or having sex with more than one partner, you should periodically go to hospital to have an examination. You'd better have protected sex such as wearing a condom. If you or your partner have acquired chlamydia, both of you should be treated. You can take traditional Chinese medicine-diuretic and anti-inflammatory pill to treat it. This medicine has a good effect on clearing away heat and toxic materials. To treat chlamydia in women, Fuyan pill is recommended, which is more suitable for women's health.


Can chlamydia be cured by any treatment?

chlamydia bacteria There is no doubt that women who are tortured by chlamydia infection for many years are familiar with it and even hate it. Once women are affecting this disease, complications like pelvic inflammatory diseases, cervicitis and endometritis can be induced quickly, thus it is a dangerous disease that can damage women's reproductive system severely. However, its morbidity is increasing instead of reducing. Commonly, the usual treatment of chlamydia infection is antibiotics, but this treatment has so many weaknesses such as drug resistance, high relapse rate and incomplete treatment. Can chlamydia be cured? Is there any effective medicine for chlamydia?
Can chlamydia be cured

Somebody was proposed an alternative chlamydia treatment which is ozone. How about the curative effect of this treatment? And can chlamydia infection be cured by this gas totally? As is known to all that ozone is a kind of gas. It can combine with other gas and materials. So in medical system, doctors commonly use ozone to cure gynecologic inflammation, by combining with clean water and flushing vagina. Thus, the curative effect of ozone in treating chlamydia infection on chlamydia vaginitis is excellent. But this treatment only is good for chlamydia vaginitis, if patients have chlamydia infection on other reproductive organs, ozone is useless.

How to cure chlamydia
If you have had chlamydia infection on other parts of reproductive organs, in addition to ozone treatment only used as adjuvant therapy, other treatment like herbal chlamydia pills also should be chosen. Women can clear away chlamydia infection and release the symptoms of vagina firstly by using ozone treatment, and then women can take fuyan pill to clear away chlamydia infection in other organs thoroughly.
Fuyan pill not only can clear away chlamydia directly, but also can stop the invasion by blocking chlamydia's penetration to healthy cells. Moreover, fuyan pill also can enhance immunity system, improve self-healing ability. Thus, chlamydia infection can be cleared by fuyan pill within three months thoroughly.

What can we do when find positive mycoplasma in pregnancy test

signs of chlamydia in females Pregnancy test has become an indispensable part for eugenics, it can not only help childbearing age women to understand themselves, and see whether she is in her best pregnant state. But also can find out some hidden gynecological diseases, giving a reminder to pregnant women for a timely treatment.

In Pregnancy test, except some regular checks, the detection of mycoplasma and chlamydia secretion is indispensable. Thus, many women in the pregnancy test are checked out to be mycoplasma infection. Among them, the most common infection is positive UU, followed by positive mycoplasma hominis.

So, when checked out of this infection, what should we do? Before answer this question, let's take a look at what kind of disease the mycoplasma is?

The female vagina is not an absolute sterile environment, and more than 20 kinds of microorganism exist to achieve an acid-base balance and maintain the normal vaginal microenvironment. However, due to their resistance degradation or immune dysfunction, there are likely to lead to the produce of pathogens such as the mycoplasma positive appear.

When mycoplasma infection appears, we advocate to be treated timely to avoid the pregnancy miscarriage, the secondary infertility or ectopic pregnancy.

In current mycoplasma-positive treatment, the overuse of antibiotics in the western has caused the drug susceptibility for many patients. Faced with this hard situation, the western doctors have no choice but turn the Chinese medicine for help. The major treatment of traditional Chinese medicine is Fuyan Pill treatment. Fuyan pill treatment can clear heat, detoxification, promote blood circulation, relieve pain and so on, it has special effect on patients with multi-drug resistant.

Mycoplasma positive found in pregnancy test is not terrible, you if make the pre-treatment, taking Fuyan pill until it turn out to be negative, then you can prepare the pregnancy. During the preparation of pregnancy, if the spouse also checks out the mycoplasma, then we advise your spouse to have a treatment together by taking another medicine created by Dr.lee - the diuretic and anti-inflammatory Pill.

Itch in the labia minora can be the infection of mycoplasma?

male symptoms of chlamydia Nowadays, we get a question from the patient. She said that she felt uneasy because she found she could not stand the itch in the labia minora any more. She also said that she had gone to the hospital before, and the doctor said that she had infected with mycoplasma, but she didn't make a treatment timely because the busy work. So she wanted to ask if the itch was caused by the mycoplasma.

For this question, I want to say that the female mycoplasma can actually lead to the pruritus vulvae.

Generally speaking, when woman infect with mycoplasma and chlamydia in the early stage, no obviously symptoms appear, or even there are some symptoms, they all could be various depend on infection site. For example, if the cervical infection happens, the cervical erosion, cervical mucosal edema, increased vaginal discharge (purulent) and contact bleeding would follow. Also, the tubal infection will lead to the abdominal pain, back pain and infertility. In general, these symptoms were not specific, so it is easy to be overlooked.

Once women infect with mycoplasma and leave untreated for a long time, the symptoms of female genital itching as well as the increased vaginal discharge then can not be avoided. Such kind of itching generally occurs in the clitoris, labia minora, or also spread to the labium majus, perineum and anus. Genital itching generally belongs to the paroxysmal activity, and usually become even serious in the evening.

At present, the mycoplasma infection treatment can be divided into two kinds: western medicine and Chinese medicine. In western treatment, we often take antibiotics.

In Chinese medicine treatment, we based on the nature effect to change our body condition, eliminate pathogenic living environment, restore vaginal flora balance and prevent recurrence of mycoplasma. Typically, traditional Chinese medicine Fuyan pill is such kind of medicine that recommended for patients. It is especially suitable for the patients with long suffering. Fuyan pills' raw material contains bupleurum, angelica, atractylodes, honeysuckle, forsythia, plantago, peach kernel, safflower, and so on. It can kill a variety of bacteria, viruses, pathogens, mycoplasma and chlamydia and achieve the goal to relieve pain and regulate menstruation.

Sexual Transmission Rarely Not Single Way to Infect Chlamydia and Mycoplasma

Mycoplasma and chlamydia transmission are the most common urinary reproductive system diseases, which are mainly transmitted by sexual encounters. Since many people hold that sexual transmission is the mere way to infect Mycoplasma and Chlamydia. While this opinion is wrong. Although sexual transmission is a common way to infect  Chlamydia and Mycoplasma, is rarely not the single way. And the following article will talk about a real case of treating Mycoplasma succesfully.

Miss Zhan is 22 years old, just graduated from college. Early this year, her body appears symptoms like frequent urinatiopn, urgent urination, or urethral orifice inflammation. At first, Miss Zhan didn't take such things to heart, just clean her vulva. However, things turn to become more serious, which let her recognize that she need an urgent treatment.

Then, Miss Zhan went to take a specific examination in nearby hospital, while the report shows that she has got a positive Mycoplasma. This result really astounded Miss Zhan, because all her know about it is a sexually transmitted disease. But she didn't have any sexual experience. How does she infect this disease?

After consulting the doctors, Miss Li has a detailed understanding about Mycoplasma, that she might get an indirect infection from the public bathroom. Soon, Miss Li began to receive the treatments in the hospital. Although under a medical care for one to two months, her symptoms are still recurrent and cannot completely disappear. At last, Miss Li searches ways to treat Mycoplasma in Internet. Then, she chooses to receive the therapy of Fuyan pill.

During the therapy, Miss Zhan, abiding to doctor's advice, observes the diet abstinence and keeps the personal hygiene. After the first course of medication, her disease has got an obvious improvement. Then for the second one, just over a half time, all her symptoms have been cleared away, and each report presents normal. Considering that there still a half remained, thus Miss Zhan consults Dr. Lee whether she needs to take the rest therapy. And Dr. Lee advises her to continue the rest for a consolidation. And after the two courses of Fuyan pill, Miss Li gets a radical cure.

Due to Mycoplasma and Chlamydia is mainly transmitted in sexual way, so that many people hold the wrong perception that only the filthy sexual relationship could cause Mycoplasma and Chlamydia infection. However, it's really not so, except that, Mycoplasma and Chlamydia can also be transmitted indirectly or vertically by commodities, like towel or toilet soaps, or as well as blood. What's more, maternal and infants will also cause this disease.

So, each person needs to avoid bathing in public bathrooms, and attention to personal hygiene as well as personal items, which are better to keep separate. What's more, for patients with fertility demand, it's better to get pregnant after the complete cure, only by this way could they play a preventive effect.

In that, Mycoplasma and Chlamydia infections are not always transmitted by sexual contact, so the preventive measures are best to be made in daily life, the most important is to keep a sanitary personal hygiene. Besides that, developing good living habits and adequate exercise are good for improving the body immune system and preventing the diseases.

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