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Nonbacterial Prostatitis Causes From Watching Porn?

The following is one of the little-talked about nonbacterial prostatitis causes you rarely ever hear about. In fact, some people will deny it really is a cause. But the evidence is out there.

Anyway, here is what it is all about:

There was a guy who had a pretty painful case of nonbacterial prostatitis and could not figure out what he did to get it. Was it genetic? Something he "caught"? Something else? When he asked his doctors, they did not really know.

They just knew he had all the usual symptoms.

For example, the tip of his penis was in pain. His anus was in pain. His lower back was in pain. His abdomen was in pain. He even had pain when he got an erection, and especially if he ejaculated. It was a pretty miserable way to live and he wanted answers.

Then, one expert made a statement that shocked him. "Did you watch a lot of porn and masturbate a lot?"

"Actually... yes."

"That could be one of your nonbacterial prostatitis causes."

The man was shocked, but it made sense. He always knew something was wrong with watching all that porn, and he suspected he had been addicted to it (until it hurt to even get an erection, at least). But ejaculating 2-3 times per day, several days a week was rough on his prostate. And he had no doubt that was the part of the problem.

The point?

Watching a lot of porn may or may not be one of the most common nonbacterial prostatitis causes. But it might be, and men should be aware of it.


Nonbacterial Prostatitis Causes That Elude Even The Experts

While science can put a man on the moon, it seems unable to figure out nonbacterial prostatitis causes at all.

Why is this?

Ironically, even though it occurs about eight times more than bacterial prostatitis, there is nothing else to indicate what the exact nonbacterial prostatitis causes are.

Some of the nonbacterial prostatitis symptoms include things like:

  • Burning hot feeling when urinating (almost feels like you're peeing fire!)
  • Fever
  • The chills
  • Lower back pain
  • Groin pain
  • Anus pain
  • Pain in the area between your anus and scrotum
  • Pain at the tip of your penis
  • Having to pee all the time (especially at night when you should be sleeping)
  • Blood in your urine (sometimes visible, sometimes not)
  • And the list goes on...

There are many symptoms, but nobody really knows the causes.

However, I do believe there are some simple ways to prevent it -- like not watching porn (masturbating several times per day puts a huge strain on your prostate), making sure you're getting abundant zinc in your diet, eating fish (or taking fish oil) regularly, drinking at least half your body weight in water and doing internal exercises (like kegels), and basically keeping your immune system strong.

None of these are guarantees, of course.

But taking proactive responsibility for your health is always the first step.

Fact is, an ounce of prevention really IS worth more than a pound of cure.

And that's why, regardless of what the exact nonbacterial prostatitis causes are, the above should go far to keep you from getting it.

Sexual Dysfunction: Do Not Confuse it with Male Menopause

An upsurge in media attention regarding the so-called "male menopause" has left many men regarding sexual dysfunction in their midlives as symptoms of male menopause, due to low levels of testosterone. Actually, the difference between the two is distinguishing.
The concept of male menopause is thought to be related to the decrease of testosterone. The decline in testosterone levels occurs as men age and may produce a characteristic and potentially treatable set of symptoms. While it is true that testosterone levels do decline as a man ages, the decline in female hormones occurs to a much greater extent. Moreover, the symptoms in women associated with decreased estrogen levels are clearly understood.
Unlike menopause in women, when hormone production stops completely, testosterone decline in men is a slower process. The testes, unlike the ovaries, do not run out of the substance it needs to make testosterone. A healthy male may be able to make sperm well into his eighties or longer. That's to say, when a man has sexual dysfunction in his forties of fifties, it is not likely that he has begun to step into the stage of male menopause. Instead, think of other factors and do not give up yourself.
For men in their midlives, they are easy to suffer from health problems, for they have to shoulder the burden of the family and their careers. Therefore, they are working hard and make their life on the go in their daily life to achieve their goals. During this process, they care about many things but their health and disturb their body, so it is quite common that many successful men suffer from many problems. Sexual dysfunction is one of them.
Sexual dysfunction in men of their midlives usually results from some male diseases, such as prostatitis, cystitis, seminal vesiculitis and orchitis, epididymitis. All these diseases can cause sexual dysfunction. Men, while you are caring for all the family members, do not ignore yourself. Herbal traditional Chinese medicine Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill has reliable effects on these male problems. Do not hesitate to contact us if necessary.
article source:  http://www.drleetcmclinic.com/a/Blog/2013/1215/154.html


Four Kinds of Pain: Women Can Not Ignore

Due to lack of time and high cost of seeing a doctor, many women tend to ignore the pain in them, which sometimes is thought not serious or can not be regarded as a disease. Actually, pain can not be ignored, for some of them are indicators of female problems. Here, I will share four kinds of pain women can not ignore.
Lower Back Pain: Pelvic Inflammatory Disease
If you are easy to feel tired, and have lower back pain, it is likely to be pelvic inflammatory disease, not simply lumbar problems.
If your pain is accompanied by fever, headache, tiredness, increased vaginal discharge, and even pain in abdomen, pain in urination and rectum, and then you can consider it to be pelvic inflammatory disease. What you should do right now is to have yourself diagnosed in gynecology department, not to miss the best time for treatment.
What's worse, several secondary problems can be caused by pelvic inflammatory disease, such as extrauterine, infertility and problems in sex life.
Abdomen Pain: Tumor in Pelvic Cavity
Commonly, the symptoms of fibroids include pain in abdomen and lower back, which are easy to be ignored. Lumps can be felt with pain, so it is more likely to be symptoms of ovarian cyst, which can be seen through color Doppler ultrasound.
If a sudden abdominal pain is too severe to be endured, and even is accompanied by vaginal bleeding, it is likely to be uterine fibroids and ovarian cyst. You must go to a doctor immediately! And gynecology tumor is often accompanied by a variety of female diseases and inflammatory diseases, such as cervicitis, pelvic inflammatory disease, annexitis and other complications.
Pain during Sex: Cervicitis
When you have cervicitis, there can appear some symptoms, such as increased leucorrhea, local itching, sharp pain and lower back pain. But generally pain can be rarely felt in cervicitis. If you have pain during intercourse, it is likely that you have cervicitis!
In order to prevent further deterioration, you need to go to a doctor immediately. In addition to the general gynecological Examination, you need to do TCT, electronic colposcope, even to determine the degree of lesion by pathologic examination.
Secondary Dysmenorrhea: Endometriosis

Secondary dysmenorrhea is the most typical symptoms of endometriosis, accompanied by excessive menstrual quantity and long period. Also, there is possibly sexual intercourse pain, anal belly, frequent urination and pain in urination and other symptoms.

article source:http://www.drleetcmclinic.com/a/Blog/2013/1217/155.html

Are You Realy want to Weight-Loss?

In recent years, weight-loss surgery has emerged as an incredibly effective tool in helping patients manage obesity and make healthy lifestyle choices. However, weight-loss surgery is not for everyone, so you should understand the key factors used to determine if you are a good candidate for weight-loss surgery, like the LAP-BAND System.

While there are several medical factors that can determine whether or not you are eligible for weight-loss surgery; if you qualify, your commitment to the long-term weight-loss process will greatly impact the results. You may want to consider some of these issues on your own, but meeting with a weight-loss surgeon will help you gain an understanding of both the procedure and the lifestyle changes required afterwards.

Body mass index

The body mass index requirements for weight-loss surgery were originally set by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and have been in place since the 1990s. As a result, weight-loss surgeons will look for patients with a BMI of at least 40 or a body weight at least 100 pounds over ideal weight. Patients with a BMI between 35 and 39 may also be considered for weight-loss surgery if suffering from at least one health condition related to obesity, including, but not limited to, diabetes, hypertension, sleep apnea, high blood pressure, depression and high cholesterol.

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